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There are a number of ways you can assist my campaign including helping out at markets and fetes, letterboxing, putting a sign in your front yard and handing out how-to-votes during early voting and on polling day.

In whatever capacity you can assist, I would really appreciate your support. Please complete the below form, and someone from my campaign team will be in touch. 

I'd like to:
Contact Sam

In every town, on every issue, Sam is working hard to make sure the Central West gets the attention and investment it deserves.

If you have an issue, please get in touch - Sam is always looking to hear your feedback.

Authorised by V Mencshelyi, National Party of Australia - NSW, Level 7, Suite 3, 50 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000. Designed by Cowboy Communications.

Thanks. Sam will be back in contact soon!

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